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As a company specialized in development and integration of solutions Geoloc Systems decided to propose all the elements necessary for the deployment of a C-ITS.
This independence towards suppliers of a part of the solution allows us to master all the chain and to bring modifications to the various elements following the specific needs of the customers.
One needs that first of all a central platform which has for objective to manage the deployed site in particular the monitoring of the UBR and the OBU. Road Side Units are then needed to install on the infrastructure to exchange of the real-time information. Then On Board Units which exchange some data with the UBR. Are then needed C-ITS applications on smartphone or tablet to allowing the driver to have access to the cases of uses of savety, saving of energy and reduction of CO2 impact.
It should be noted that it is possible to make such deployments with a 4G communication what has for advantage to save up on the price of equipments.
Urban deployment
Thanks to the deployment of 15 Units Roadside on 15 lights of the metropolis of Bordeaux and 34 OBU on light vehicles and emergencies vehicles we have all the necessary skills to propose an experimental or complete deployment on any city.
As each city have his own particularity we suggest at first making a study. This study begins with a real demonstration aboard one of our vehicles on the operational site of Bordeaux.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][rev_slider_vc alias=”C-ITS”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″]
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Deployment main highways (highways, national, departmental)
Our deployments in Compass4D and our developments in Scoop@F allow us to propose you quite typical deployment of Cooperative ITS on main highways. We can connect the system to your Management Traffic Center to exchange road real time events but also manage your vehicles of patrol.
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Deployment vehicles
To be at the forefront of the innovation Geoloc Systems purchased in 2015 a TESLA model S. Indeed, it is about the standard car most ITS at present in circulation because it is connected, electric and autonomous on highway. As soon as it is available we are also going to surround in one compatible Peugeot with the project of deployment of the large-scale Cooperative ITS Scoop@F.
The TESLA is connected but not cooperative that’s mean it does not communicate with the infrastructure or with the other vehicles. We added this technology to the vehicle within the framework of the world congress of the ITS in Bordeaux and we continue to add new services and standards.
What we are doing on our vehicles we can also make it on yours by installing OBU and by adapting our cases of uses or by developing of new according to your needs. This allows in particular the car manufacturers to concentrate on their job and to subcontract the cooperative and application part to a specialized company.
Furthermore, through our operational deployment on roads opened in Bordeaux the developed innovations can be validated in real conditions.
Our offer of embarked applications for a C-ITS deployment
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Contact us for every type of experimental deployment or on real site of Cooperative ITS.