GLOSA (Green Light Optmial Speed Advisory)

GLOSA is an innovative service, indicating to the driver the optimal speed to adopt to catch the green traffic light, and so not to stop. The functioning is simple: GLOSA service allows to warn the driver of the presence of a crossroads with traffic lights when he is at around 500 meters from it. It supplied in advance the number of traffic lanes, the available directions for each, as well as the state of the traffic light for every lane. If the traffic light is red and that it will pass to the green, GLOSA can advise the driver to slow down to adopt a certain speed to arrive at the crossroads when the light will pass to the green.

Road Hazard Warning/Road Works Warning

Warn the user that there is a hazard on the road a few hundred meters in front of him such as an accidentroad works, presence of wild animals or a deformed road.

How does it work?

  • Data transmitted through ETSI DENM (Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages).
  • Transmitted by central ITS station (server) using cellular communication or by RSU using G5.

In-Vehicle Signage: Park and Ride Information

The app notifies the user that a park-and-ride facility is near to his position. It gives him the number of parking spaces and the number of parking spaces at the next park-and-ride facility, to know if it’s more interesting to go at the next one or if it is already full.

How does it work?

  • Data recovering from the city concerned Open Data.
  • Park’s position and situation, number of available parking spots
  • Deployed in precise routes where the use case is relevant.
  • Create IVI (In-Vehicle Information) messages that are broadcasted by Central ITS station and RSU.

In-Vehicle Signage: 30 Zone

The app shows the driver the maximum speed at which he is allowed to drive on the road section he currently is.

How does it work?

  • Data available on the Open Data of the city concerned.
  • Schools position and 30 km/h speed zones (at less than 100m from schools).
  • Create IVI (In-Vehicle Information) messages that are broadcasted by Central ITS station and RSU.

In-Vehicle Signage: Variable Message Signs

The app notifies the user the message available on the variable message signs directly on the phone.

How does it work?

  • Data sent by the Road Departmental Directorate concerned.
  • Create IVI (In-Vehicle Information) messages that are broadcasted by Central ITS station and RSU.

Emergency Vehicle Approaching

The app notifies the user that an emergency vehicle is near from his position even if he does not see or hear it yet, which allows him to adapt his driving.

How does it work?

  • Emergency vehicle broadcasting CAM messages with “light bar in use” flag.

Red-Light Violation Warning

If the user is about to go through the red light, the app might notify him of a dangerous behavior.

How does it work?

  • Intersection safety.
  • Works in the same way that GLOSA : with the speed, the position and the state of the traffic lights.

Start/Stop Idling

The smartphone application tells the driver if it is worthwile to cut the engine. This will be the case if the time to green is greater than 7 seconds.

How does it work?

  • Works in the same way that GLOSA : with the speed, the position, the signal phase and timing of the traffic lights.

Parking Information

The app notifies the user that a parking facility is near to his position. The user can also choose to go to one of these facilities by picking it in the menu.

How does it work?

  • Data recovering from the city concerned Open Data.
  • Park’s position and situation, number of available parking spots
  • Sorted by proximity.
  • Possibility to activate the navigation towards the selected park.

Probe Vehicle Data

This service will allow to retrieve information about the traffic and reported events in order to compute travel time.

How does it work?

  • 2 methods : by cellular 4G or by RSU (Road Side Unit).

Traffic Signal Priority for Designated Vehicle

The red light of the traffic light become green when a designated vehicle is arriving at the intersection.

How does it work?

  • The OBU (On Board Unit) present in the designated vehicle send its position in a CAM message.
  • To the RSU (Road Side Unit)detect the approaching vehicle and send the information to the city centralization system or to the local TLC (traffic light controller).
  • The TMS or TLC can change the state of the light according to the regulation policies.

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